A truck trailer parked in the back courtyard of the TerraCycle plant in Trenton, NJ, gets a new paint job at the Saturday, Aug. 14th, graffiti jam.

TRENTON - Some of the East Coast's top graffiti talents were invited to Trenton this weekend to tag up the walls surrounding TerraCycle on New York Avenue.

I got there around 1:30 and color splashes had already landed ... coloring up the black walls with what looked like living art.

The Terracycle Graffiti Jam is an annual event, so each year organizers paint over the graffiti pieces from the year before with black paint. The colors really came alive this year. And the 3D look was impressive.

This is such a great event. And a celebration of an urban art.

Here's how the graffiti fest looked through my lens.
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